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Rights of the defendant and protection of the victim of gender-based violence: the delicate balance of the criminal process


Gender-based violence is a serious and widespread phenomenon in all countries of the world, it affects women but it is a man's problem. Therefore, it is necessary to HELP men who use violence so that they don't do it again and become aware of what they have done, avoiding repeat behavior.
The main aim must be the immediate interruption of the violence in order to guarantee the safety of the victims but it must also be seen as a cultural process of change for overcoming gender stereotypes that lead to discrimination. There are listening desks for abusive men. They are spaces for clinical and therapeutic listening to male relational discomfort.

Violent and aggressive behaviors, in the family and in relationships, reveal man's inability to establish healthy emotional relationships. Work with these men is intended to promote a conscious masculine attitude, develop the ability to build healthy relationships, and reduce the likelihood of relapse.

Securing the woman who suffers violence is the first step but immediately afterwards we need to work on the possibility of reducing recurrences by working on whoever perpetrates that violence. They must learn to come to terms with their fragility, become aware of their actions, acquire tools that allow them to correctly manage relationships with the opposite sex, understand that violent behavior is self-destructive.

Certainly at first they will look for a sort of justification, perhaps starting from the denial of the fact itself, then shifting the responsibility to the companions until they reach awareness of the seriousness of the conduct in place.

We must work to avoid recurrences of violent behavior and consequently create the conditions for the person to be able to build or re-build healthier relationships.

We will also talk about this on November 14th next

We are waiting for you!



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