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Sex between children. Shock video on Whatsapp

I shudder at the mere thought that there are parents who give their children the latest generation smartphones with the possibility, therefore, of internet connection.

I already think it is wrong that at age 14 children can freely give their "digital consent" to the processing of personal data on social networks. A few months ago, in fact, the new regulations that regulate the minimum age for independent access to social networks came into force in Italy. Europe advised that the minimum age for enrolling a minor was 16 but Italy preferred to lower it to 14.

The problem is probably underestimated.

There is not only bullying with insults and threats but also “sexting” (sending or requesting photos or hard videos). The girls send photographs with sexual content because they are requested by the boyfriend of the moment who, once left, takes revenge by sending them to the whole school. Victims watch the phenomenon helpless and frightened until their parents discover it and, at times, have tragic epilogues.

Let us remember, however, that there are also pedophiles around the web, always on the hunt for children.

As mentioned, parents should be more responsible and, at the very least, check their children's phones to protect them from the dangers of the internet.

Today there are some “apps” that can be installed on your children's phones and that send all the “Whatsapp” messages sent and received to an e-mail address. With this tool it would be possible to identify any sexual predators or bullies and it would be possible to keep the evidence.

Moreover, even just posting photos on instagram exposes minors to risks due to geolocation.

We try to protect minors by educating them by example and never losing sight of them.

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